In the last few years the unconventional oil and gas potential in the Weald has received significant attention and various operators have undertaken studies and tested wells to improve their understanding of this potential (most notably Horse Hill Development Limited’s drilling and testing of the Horse Hill-1 (“HH-1”) well). The flow tests of the HH-1 well nearby the Brockham field were carried out in the first quarter of 2016 and indicated the potential of the deeper Kimmeridge Limestones.
UK Oil & Gas Investments PLC on 21 March 2016 announced that the HH-1 well had flow-tested from 16 February 2016, at a total aggregate stable dry oil flow rate of 1688 barrels of oil per day (“bopd”) from two Kimmeridge limestones plus the overlying Portland sandstone. The Kimmeridge reservoirs are classified as unconventional. Nevertheless, the well tests indicated that conventional industry techniques may be sufficient to develop and produce the petroleum. Further well flow tests are planned by the Horse Hill operator. It is Xodus’ view that whilst the flow test results at Horse Hill are a relevant analogue for the Kimmeridge potential in the Brockham field, given the lack of understanding of the subsurface model it is not possible to provide any meaningful figures or chance of success associated with the Kimmeridge potential in Brockham. A recent study by Nutech Energy Alliance Ltd (“Nutech”) on the deeper sections of the Brockham-1 well has identified oil potential in the Portland, Kimmeridge, Oxford, Oolite and Lias.
In the report Nutech provides estimates of the volumes of oil in place per square mile, based on the Brockham-1 well, to be in excess of those at Horse Hill.